Serving my community for these challenging five years has been an honor. While there is much to be proud of, there is much to do. I promise to continue giving Medford's students my energy and thoughtfulness to provide the best education possible and to keep looking to the future so that the students who follow them will have an even better experience in our public schools.
Some of the issues I will focus on these next two years should you choose to re-elect me include:
Building a robust maintenance regime for our school buildings to ensure they are operating as best they can, given the limitations of the equipment we own.
Working with the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA) on a new Medford High School if we are accepted into their program this fall or, if we are not accepted, making the case to the Mayor, City Council, and the residents of Medford that we should begin the project without state assistance.
Identifying what will be required to decarbonize our public education system and the timeline for implementation.
Getting free menstrual products into all of our school bathrooms.
Continuing the conversation about the challenges of expanding after-school programming and removing any barriers to that expansion whenever possible.
Keeping a close eye on the recent implementations of new math, science, and reading curricula to ensure those gains continue to grow.
Working with the Mayor as we approach a major financial crisis we are facing with the end of our pandemic relief funding this fiscal year to find ways to soften the blow to our massive revenue shortfall.
Continuing my work to remove barriers our students face to participate fully in the educational opportunities we already provide.
Continuing to modernize and bring into compliance the many outdated school district policies.
and so much more!
There is a mountain of work ahead, but we can continue to chip away at it together. We must continue to chip away at it because our children deserve so much more!
Please consider donating to my campaign - running a successful campaign is expensive!
If you want to see the list above become a reality, please Contribute.
Thank you for your trust in me, and I hope to continue serving you and our students as your School Committee Member.
Paul Ruseau